Google Adsense

Good night friend!
An easy step to earn money very young, that is through Google adsense.
Google Adsense was first launched around the year 2005 and I had just started using itin 2007Google Adsense is a method of Google for providing the opportunity for manypeople to meet in exactly one medium between advertisers and the advertiser or theadvertiser and publisher cool terms.
You simply take the time 2 hours per day(no need to heat-panasan street like a courierbetween trade in goods such as carpenters or hawkers). hahaha ....
all you have to do is sit in front of the computer which of course has the Internet network,,,

What Benefits Join Google Adsense?

Of course, is moneyOpportunities for profit or not using large no longer just a dream.Until now many colleagues I am asking for the truth of Google Adsenseif properly paid?if not a fraud and so forthThe answer is brief and clear as it is a Google service gitu loh... Google does not have indisputably his companyeven compared to many companiesin the world including Indonesia is an internet giantWho is not familiar with Google?

Google Adsense is a model system of PPC or Pay Per ClickIt means we get paidwhen someone clicks on the ads that appear on the site / blog. How large a payment?varies depending on how much value is determined by the Advertiser that made the ad.For years, Google's secret of the profit sharing will be given to us as a Publisherbuteventually Google's open secret where we will be paid by 68to 51% advertisingcontent and advertising via search, read Google's official announcement of thisproblem.

Google Adsense ServicesGoogle Adsense has some ad models that we can apply in the blog, namely:
1.Adsense for Content2.Adsense for Search3.Adsense for Feeds4.Adsense for Domains5.Adsense for Content Mobile (Mobile)The most famous is the second top diurutan the Adsense for Content and Adsense for Search.
Signing up for Google AdsenseWhat I want is just to give tips to apply to be accepted by the publisher Google Adsense properly without going through other people in the form of services and the creation account in ways that are not kosher. Use the manner provided by Google Adsense account so that we preserved and survived until the end of life.
Today was a lot of scattered information that offer services Adsense account creation, although I do not recommend but it is worth trying but should be avoided because you will not gain valuable experience and do not know how to submit your blog to be accepted by Google Adsense. I promise to do things themselves would be more satisfying and valuable experience as long as all rules and regulations you are filled with good.
Here's a tip from me:
Use English language blogs are already filled quite a lot of content (a minimum of 10 articles).Blogs have been aged less than 1 month or longer. Many say that could at any time but the advice I snooze for an older age of the blog at least 2-3 months.Be sure has been indexed by the Google search engine by typing the command site: an email from, which is Google's family.Use Google's Blogspot for easy and close relationship with Google. Although I myself do not use Blogspot while registering the first time it uses. Com domain itself and immediately approved without rejection.Do not rush to sign up, because you should focus to the content. Make sure your content is unique and not the result of copy paper ever published alias Copas (Copy + Paste).With a unique focus to writing (niche) it is guaranteed that Google will consider your blog to be worthy of their Publisher.Experience I used to only take 3 days to get results, but most likely at this time take 1-2 weeks to get an answer whether accepted or rejected. If accepted you can directly use it, but if Google refused to give the reason and fix these errors.
In the following article I will try to explain how to insert Adsense ads into your blog. So this information may be useful.

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