Have an event computer suddenly hangs, no respond and we can only move the mouse without being able to run other applications? Sometimes even the ultimate jutsu "Task Manager" (Ctrl + Alt + Del) also helpless against this kind of condition. So maybe we are ultimately just press the Reset button.Although the reset button can be overcome, but sometimes can be at risk of losing data, there fie damaged and so on. Alternatively, we could try to use free software antifreeze.Antifreeze may provide an alternative to overcome past events as above. Such events may be caused by excessive CPU usage (almost 100%) or Memory usage is too large, so that we could not open, move or close any application.Once the software is installed, then to turn, we just use a keyboard key combination Ctrl + Alt + Win + Home (It's a combination of a rather large, up to 4 buttons). After that antifreeze will appear fullscreen (full screen) and almost all other applications will be on pause (sleep) to reduce CPU usage / Memory.When the antifreeze appears, we just turn off the process (End Process) applications using very large CPU (indication seen in column CPU Time) or it could be the excessive memory usage (Mem Usage). Because it looks like the Task Manager menu, we should have no trouble using this software.Circumstances where the antifreeze can be used, namely:
There are one or more applications that are running very intensive, using almost the entire process of the CPU, so the system unresponsive.
There are one or more applications using very large memory (excessive) including swaping files, thus burdening the system.
There are applications that run with a very high priority, so it uses all the CPU (processor)
Many programs that run together and each one wanted to get the "attention / quota" of the processor.Although Likewise, sometimes antifreeze does not work or not work for certain conditions. For example Computer hangs due to hardware problems, such as Memory (RAM) that is damaged, bad sectors on hard drive and the like (and usually marked with the Mouse Cursor is not active / not digerakkann). Addition of antifreeze also may not be successful if the application has a higher priority than antifreeze.
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