There are so many requests that I received about the software Nero 10. After I was looking for, finally can also, though not the full version, but Nero 10, which I share is enough to do the burning. 10 or Nero Micro Nero Micro v10 I think is a software CD / DVD burning are widely used by the bajakers to complete his mission, hehe. (I'm not including tablets, burning when I used to use UltraISO) Hehehe
Nero Micro 10 is arguably as micronya version of Nero full version, except that the Micro version is only available at nero express burning feature wrote, the other in remove all. hehehe
If I really, better Nero Micro 10 this, because just to burn it, other features are not used, so unfortunately also deng hard disk,,,,,....
Please click HERE to download.