Secure your computer from hacker attacks out there by installing a firewall from Agnitum Outpost is.
Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Free is an Anti-virus, firewall, and anti-spam for proactive protection available completely for free. This software is a malware defense program online and offline 'All in one' with the prevention of infection are powerful data are combined to make this very powerful program, and is providing security for individuals and families. The latest version of the program contains a System Guard to protect your operating system against piracy.
Anti-malware technology from Outpost has received a VB100 award from Virus Bulletin several times, which proves to you that this software is good and very powerful in terms of detecting and removing malware on the loose. Personalize well integrated anti-spam filtering spam on traditional criteria such as the black list and white list and filtering keywords. Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Free is working as a security utility that is lightweight and will not slow your computer performance. This software is suitable for netbooks and other low-spec computer.
Improved features SmartScan3 can accelerate and improve the responsibility of the whole system.
Improved data filtering can improve performance for firewall module and further reduce the use of resources. No matter your skill level, Outpost Security Suite Free this will meet your needs with the anti-malware software update that works automatically and real-world security policies of network users ImproveNet.
Contrary to the system on a proactive prlindungan usually only prepared to prevent virus infection, Outpost Security Suite comes with features Virus Removal as well.
What's new in this version? There are some, such as: incompatibility problem with OS optimization utilities have been addressed; the most frequently reported crash has been resolved; improvements on some minor issues and a better interface.
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